
No Signal Update

Our analysts periodically review each open signal. Based on the analysis, they will send out signal updates.
Keep in mind, we will only send out signal updates if there is any valuable information to share.
Therefore, if there is no signal update in some time, then it is status quo which means keep holding and do not worry.

How long should l wait until a signal hits the target?

Depending on market conditions, swing signals, on average take 1-3 weeks to hit their targets; although, sometimes they hit their targets within 1-2 days when the markets are very volatile. Trend signals typically take 4-12 weeks to hit their targets.
Each signal has a profit target. Upon reaching the target price, the signal will be marked as closed and moved into the closed signals section.
The most important thing is NEVER to panic sell and always await our signal updates and guidance.

I bought a stock at your recommended buy price, but now the stock is below that price. What should I do?

Well, first off, do NOT panic sell. That key to trading stocks is patience. Our algorithms and traders, constantly monitor the signals we send out. When there is any recommended action, we will send out a signal update in time. We got your back!

How much should l invest per signal?

It all depends on your trading strategy and risk tolerance.
We suggest you invest according to your risk appetite and stock positions.

Current price is above the BUY price

When the app sends out a BUY signal, and in a matter of minutes the current stock price is above the BUY price, we recommend you still get into the stock, but preferably within a 0.25% range, or ideally below the BUY price for optimal profit. If the price is already half way to the SELL target, we recommend to avoid getting into the signal since then it would be chasing.

How are the signals generated?

Our algorithms scan the entire S&P, Nasdaq and NYSE stocks, looking for the best buying opportunities for a quick swing trade and trend trade. We then have our AI intelligent algorithms review the signals, and determine if they are good enough to send to our subscribers. We are very, very careful in what we send, so everything is curated, since our goal is to ensure that our subscribers make the most possible profits while mitigating risks.

I got into a stock at the BUY price, but l am down on it. When should l sell?

Stocks go up and down. That is how they work. It is impossible to time the market.
Each signal we send has a BUY price and a SELL price. This helps guide you on when to get out of a position.
It is best to follow the guidance of our tutor, who will tell you when it is profit or loss to sell.
Patience is key to make money in the stock market.

How long do signals take to hit their targets?

Depending on market conditions and the type of signals you are referring to.
Swing signals, on average take 1-3 weeks to hit their targets; although, sometimes they hit their targets within 1-2 days.
Trend signals typically take 4-12 weeks to hit their targets.

lt has been a few days and I have not received any new signals? Why?

Signals are sent based on several factors such as market conditions, and probability of the signal reaching profits. Before we send out any signal, they go through our AI algorithms and then get verified again by our veteran traders. Unless we feel that the signal has a high probability of success, we will not send it out.
We’d rather you make money than get in on a trade which will be a losing trade.

Do you offer FREE Trials or Signals?

Once you download the app and create yourself an account, you are eligible to get access to various parts of the app for FREE.
This includes getting FREE Signals.
We provide you with a LIMITED amount of FREE Signals so you can get a feel of the value of the signals.
Of course as a PREMIUM PAID subscriber, you would get all these signals in REAL-TIME and get in on the action AS IT IS HAPPENING.

What is the difference between all the signal packages?

Swing signals are typically signals we send out to make a profit within a few weeks.
Trend signals are typically signals we send out to get into a stock and hold for 1-2 quarters or longer. This is for investors who don't have time to deal with stocks on a daily or weekly basis, but want to get into a stock and just hold for some time.

About Subscriptions & Billing

Quarterly and annual subscriptions  

The two most common types of subscriptions are quarterly and annual. A quarterly subscription is the same signal as an annual subscription. The main difference between quarterly and annual rentals is that quarterly rentals are paid quarterly with no commitment, while annual rentals are heavily discounted and require upfront payment.

Terms regarding product subscriptions (pay/refund)

1. By subscribing to Vanguard products, you agree to pay the applicable Subscription fees set forth on the app.Vanguard reserves the right to revise Subscription fees upon reasonable notice.
2. The products are provided in form of data information service. Once your initial subscription is taken into effect, no refund is available. Vanguard reserves the absolute right to cancel subscriptions. You can contact us by e-mail: Vanguard.szxf@gmail.com

About the App

App Crashes

Apps sometimes crash for weird and unknown reasons.
Below are some of the steps you can follow to attempt to resolve the crash.
Delete the app
Reboot your iOS / Android device (i.e. turn off and back on)
Wait about 1 minute
Turn on the iOS / Android Device
Go to the app store and download the app again
After you download the app, log into it and make sure it does not crash.
Log in using the same credentials you used initially.
If the app still does not return to normal,Please contact us for assistance.